Our inspectors
John P Pescatore, ACI
Principal Owner and President of All Through the House, LLC
Education: BFA in Interior Design and a BA in Art History. John has also completed many industry specific courses in the Home Inspection field to gain and maintain his many certifications. Which he gladly enjoys doing for you!
Experience: In 1996 John started inspecting homes before fully entering the Home Inspection Industry in 2002, John spent 20 years as a Custom Home Builder on Long Beach Island, NJ and for many of those years he conducted home inspections. John is a ASHI Gold Certified Inspector (American Society Home Inspectors) ASHI # 259645 and holds a current NJ Home Inspector License #24GI00073200 with (14,402) (01/02/24) inspections along with his NJ Radon MET #12036 for radon testing. John is also an instructor at a local tech school for the education and testing for new home inspectors. John really enjoys sharing his knowledge an experiences to new inspectors! Instructing at local school keeps him sharp!
Personal: John resides in a circa 1787 farm house in New Egypt, NJ. John enjoys educating and providing essential information to his clients both on site and in thoroughly written customized reports. He has an exceptional knowledge based on both new and vintage construction. First time home buyers always feel comfortable with his expertise and communication skills. On a personal note, he really loves what he does and enjoys sharing his knowledge and will always be there for you long after your purchase!

Monmouth Office 732-531-5958

Cumberland Office 856-777-5080

Principal Owner/President Lead Inspector

Customer Relations & Office Manager

Technical Support Manager and Photography Editor

Certified Inspector
Ocean Office 609-286-2222

Essex Office 973-737-9009
Our Standards of Practice
New Jersey state law requires home inspectors to report on material defects but beyond that critical part of our business, we attempt to acquaint our clients with the systems and components of the house with suggestions for maintenance, monitoring and upgrades. At this point is where John's past experience as a custom home builder shines through and benefits everyone in the room! We are homeowners and parents as well as home inspectors. We give the same priority to issues of safety and health in your homes as we do in our own homes.
Our inspections are designed to comply with the applicable laws and regulations of the State of New Jersey
Including all the laws governing the State of Pennsylvania.