Residential Inspections
Buyers deserve a professional home inspection company that will provide quality service for their clients. That's where All Through the House can help. For more than 25 years, All Through The House has become one of the state's leading home inspection companies because of our commitment to provide professional and quality service.
Our certified and professional home inspectors are trained to meet or exceed the highest industry standards, exude professionalism, and thoroughly communicate the findings in a non-alarming manner. All home inspectors carry Errors & Omissions insurance and agent indemnification.

Townhouses and Condos
“It’s a Condo/Townhouse … I Don’t Need an Inspection!” How many times as a home inspector have I heard this statement? Yes, the homeowner typically has fewer issues to confront, and, the homeowner’s association has the responsibility for the common elements. However, there can be conditions to be reckoned with. Not unusually, these conditions are visible only when infrequently visited areas, the crawl space and the attic, are investigated.
Commercial Inspections
The scope of the inspection needed and the specific areas to be inspected are based on various factors. Age, occupancy and type of construction are considered when determining how the property will be inspected and the performance criteria needed to complete a quality inspection. Inspections can range from a visual examination of the property, to a comprehensive inspection of all the building's technical components.The Assessment and Report is a specific kind of due diligence, pre-purchase, pre-lease, or post-lease inspection, performed according to a specification developed by ASTM (American Society for Testing Materials). Our PCA (Property Condition Assessment) includes a thorough examination and written report on conditions including mechanical (HVAC, electrical, plumbing, sprinkler system), structural, interior, exterior, and site. We include detailed document reviews, personnel interviews, and probable costs to remedy physical deficiencies, plus other requirements listed in the ASTM specification.

Pre-Sale Inspections
Now offering a unique PRE-SALE inspection of your home. This thorough inspection of your home prior to listing is a great way to see how it will perform and what needs to be repaired, replaced or updated. There's a huge savings to you as the seller to get this unique prospective prior to selling. After every inspection my clients have called me with praise on how they achieved a better understanding of their home, and how they would take this knowledge to their new home! Not to mention the money saved and later earned on the sale of their home.
We are specialists in NJ Home Inspections, Wood Destroying Insect Inspections, Mold Inspections, Radon Inspection, Septic Inspection (Separate Contractor), & New Jersey Commercial Inspections. updated July 2021